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You may previously know her from one of our first episodes when she discusses the creation of Pony App, but now Lucy Davis joins the podcast once again to talk about her brand-new venture, Prixview. Lucy is an American Show Jumper and entrepreneur who has been to the Olympics from a very young age and is now taking a strong approach to the equestrian business side of her career by designing a unique fantasy gaming platform for the equestrian world! Similarly, to fantasy football, gamers can place real bets on current shows and beyond. Listen in to learn more!

Check Out: @gooseydavis |
Related Episodes: [EP 04]

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The Clothes Horse has been manufacturing custom made horse blankets, tackroom drapes, and trunk covers since 1972. Growing out of one man’s desire for the perfect rain sheet and company founder Edith Friedman’s willingness to try something new, The Clothes Horse now makes items for some of the most prestigious show barns and horse shows in the country, as well as for private horse owners nationwide. Edith started making blankets in her basement alone – but when the business grew each year she had to move out to another facility, add a staff of employees, and the company just keeps on growing. Each one of The Clothes Horse blankets are sure to catch the eye with their classic build and quality material. Shop today!

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