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Chris Cervantes and Mallory Nicklas work for Mustard Seed Ranch- a nonprofit program that provides youth with a safe place where they would have the opportunity to participate in therapy services and build hands-on skills in a ranch environment. Chris is a professional horse trainer and equestrian coach at Far West Farms in Calabasas, CA. He has worked for multiple FEI and Olympic trainers in jumper and dressage disciplines. In addition to joining Mustard Seed Ranch as an Equine Therapist, he continues post-grad counseling at the Orange County LGBTQ Center, working with individuals and facilitating process groups. Mallory is the Colorado Program Director. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s degree in clinical social work. With experience working in various educational settings, inpatient behavioral health treatment, and non-profit program facilitation, she enjoys creatively pairing her clinical knowledge to the experiential process of engaging clients in a meaningful way. In 2021, Mallory participated in the Fundamentals of Natural Lifemanship program.

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