Stacia Klein Madden stands out as one of the most successful and dedicated trainers of young, developing show jumping talent in the United States. She was a top junior rider from Indiana winning the 1987 ASPCA Maclay Finals and placed in both the AHSA Medal Finals and the USET Finals East. After turning professional in 1988 she started training out of Beacon Hill Show Stables in North Salem, New York. Listen in!
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Farm Stand has a new location….their online store! For a third season at WEF, Farm Stand’s designation has been that of an oasis for health. With dozens of organic and gluten-free options between their three food trucks, Farm Stand’s mission centers around sustainability and has become a new shopping destination along with other small businesses with rotating popups in their open air market. When shopping at Farm Stand you will find everything from flower seeds to high end women’s wear all thoughtfully curated around a love for natural materials. Shop online today and enjoy promo code: PODCAST for 5% off a purchase!
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