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Zara Boyd is British rider and fashion student splitting her time between studying in NYC and riding in Wellington this winter. After taking a few years off from riding since recovering from an eating disorder, Zara is back and excited to ride in her first season at WEF with her horse, Oreo. Zara is joined by a supportive group of trainers from Lionshare farm and is excited to see how far she can go in the low amateur division. In her spare time Zara enjoys sharing her riding adventures over on TikTok as @zarazeezee amongst her 54K followers. Listen in!

Check Out: @zarashowjumper | @teamclarkstables | @lionsharefarm

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@rideequisafe |
Ride EquiSafe is not your standard tack store. Specializing in equestrian rider safety equipment, Ride EquiSafe helps you look stylish using it. Whether you’re hacking out on the trails, taking a lesson, or competing from the local level up to the international level, all riders should use equipment that ensures the safest possible experience.

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