Lindsay Hunter is an equestrian interior designer who loves mixing intentional and inspirational elements to create warm, inviting spaces to “live, love and play”. You might have seen her work featured in Horse Illustrated, Stable Style, EQluxe, or Polo Lady Magazine. Lindsay offers everything from full-service interior design to home furnishings with a classic equestrian inspired look through her company Hunter Design. Not only does Lindsay create the perfect interior setup, but she also sells her very own home decor products through Modern Equestrian Shop, a combination of antique and modern products that bring the equestrian lifestyle into your home. Listen in and get inspired to redecorate!
Also Listen On: iTunes | Spotify | @lindsayhunterdesign | @modernequestrianshop |

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O3 Animal Health products do much more than simply add weight (if needed) or produce a shiny hair coat. These products support healthy cell function in the horse at an optimum level. Cleansing the cell membrane by providing the healthiest fat possible so that nutrients and waste can get in and out of the cells. O3 Animal Health products can help support healthy joints, better gut health, respiratory support, skin health, allergies and more. Trusted by horse trainers, breeders, and vets alike, These products support the horse from the cellular level up. To learn more you can visit their website, or listen to episode 122 with Kathleen Downs. Use Promo Code: PODCAST for $10 off any product!
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