Dani Conway is a nutritional practitioner as well as an equestrian athlete helping women ditch the diet, loose weight, and gain energy in order to improve equestrian sport performance. In this episode Dani shares her story of how she developed a healthy lifestyle and became CEO of Nutrition the Natural Way. If you’re looking for tips on improving your health, this episode is for you.
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CHECK OUT: @dani_equestrianlife | nutritionthenaturalway.com | @farm_stand

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Shop Here: farm-stand.com
Farm Stand has a new location….their online store! For a third season at WEF, Farm Stand’s designation has been that of an oasis for health. With dozens of organic and gluten-free options between their three food trucks, Farm Stand’s mission centers around sustainability and has become a new shopping destination along with other small businesses with rotating popups in their open air market. When shopping at Farm Stand you will find everything from flower seeds to high end women’s wear all thoughtfully curated around a love for natural materials. Shop online today!

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