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Kathy Baar is a USDF Gold Medalist, Author, Horse Development Specialist and Natural Horsemanship Instructor. She has been studying and teaching Natural Horsemanship for over 20 years, combining the happiness of the horse with the results needed for competition and Horse Development. Along with her husband, John, the two focus on developing horses into partners out of their farm Raising The Baar located just outside of Lexington, KY. Through different forms of cross training such as: ground driving, cow working, liberty, dressage, and even trail riding, Kathy excepts all levels and breeds to her farm. Everyone who participates can gain something from the Foundation to Performance training available.

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The Clothes Horse has been manufacturing custom made horse blankets, tackroom drapes, and trunk covers since 1972. Growing out of one man’s desire for the perfect rain sheet and company founder Edith Friedman’s willingness to try something new, The Clothes Horse now makes items for some of the most prestigious show barns and horse shows in the country, as well as for private horse owners nationwide. Edith started making blankets in her basement alone – but when the business grew each year she had to move out to another facility, add a staff of employees, and the company just keeps on growing. Each one of The Clothes Horse blankets are sure to catch the eye with their classic build and quality material. Shop today!

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