Jay Golding has worked with horses since he was very young, and has operated a large breeding farm as well as run a large hunter and jumper barn. On his many yearly trips to Europe to seek the next great horse, Jay came to know BoneKare®. The product is so popular with breeders and equestrians in Europe that Jay decided to bring it to the United States, as he saw the results and wanted to use it on his own horses. Jay then pursued bringing the product to the U.S. and became a distributer for the United States. Jay believes in BoneKare® and product is now FDA-approved, patented, and has personally helped his horses. Listen in!
credit: bonekareusa.com
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Shop Here: o3animalhealth.com
O3 Animal Health products do much more than simply add weight (if needed) or produce a shiny hair coat. These products support healthy cell function in the horse. They cleanse the cell membrane. Every cell in the horse’s body is surrounded by fat. O3 products provide the healthiest fat possible so that nutrients and waste can get in and out of the cells. This helps the cells of the horse function at an optimum level. This is why their products can help support healthy joints, better gut health, respiratory support, skin health, allergies and more. They support the horse from the cellular level up. Use Promo Code: PODCAST for $10 off any product! Shop today!
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