Dianna Babington has been part of Kevin Babington, LLC since its inception in 1992. She dedicates her time to young riders competing in both the pony hunter and equitation ring and the jumper ring. Dianna has a foundation in the hunters from her childhood when she trained with Gary Kunsman at Four Seasons Farm. As an adult she has ridden under Kevin Babington’s guidance in the jumpers for over 20 years and has trained with many other professionals including Nona Garson, Rick Francher, Albert Voorn, John Ledingham and George Morris. Listen in!
credit: kevinbabington.com
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Check Out: @diannababington | kevinbabington.com

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This was the most heartbreaking and riveting podcast I’ve ever heard. I was absolutely absorbed. I’ve been following Kevin’s recovery and have donated several times. I am so impressed with his will to improve, and the strength of the entire family to move forward as best they can. Thank you to Dianna for your candor and honestly and being so real and raw about this experience. We are all hopeful and determined that Kevin improve, and I know he is determined to do so.