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Lauren Klehm is the Director of Education at the United States Hunter Jumper Association (USHJA), and has held the position since summer 2019. She grew up in the Chicagoland area, where she left after receiving her Masters degree. Lauren caught the ‘horse bug’ early and never grew out of it. To this day, Lauren is an active rider and competitor in the Hunters at National and Premier shows, mostly showing at the Kentucky Horse Park. Additionally, Lauren has her ‘r’ Hunter and Hunter/Jumping Seat Equitation judges cards. She now resides full-time in Lexington, Kentucky with her husband, four dogs, and boards her mare nearby. When not riding or working, Lauren enjoys travel, cycling, and gardening in her spare time. Listen in!

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Apply for the program:
The USHJA Instructor Credential was developed to offer a comprehensive educational program for riding instructors. The credential offers both a comprehensive online education as well as an in-person workshop and examination. Online coursework includes expanded content in athlete wellness and safety, sports psychology, stable management, riding theory, learning styles, and teaching methodologies that preserve the American Hunter/Jumper Forward Riding System.
At the workshop, candidates observe, learn, practice and collaborate on teaching and coaching techniques and methods. During the live examination, candidates are tested on their teaching skills and provided individualized feedback. Upon successful completion of all prerequisite online courses, the workshop, and passing score during the live examination, candidates are awarded the status of USHJA Credentialed Instructor.

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