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Katie Dinan is an American Show Jumper with a long history of success in the sport. After she started riding at the age of 4, Katie quickly rose to the top in her junior career as she represented Zone 2 in gold medal-winning teams at the USEF Junior Jumper National Championships at the Pennsylvania National Horse Show in both 2010 and 2011. Katie has participated in multiple World Cup Finals, Nations Cups, and earned accolades such as the USET Foundation Maxine Beard Show Jumping Rider Award and the USET Foundation Lionel Guerrand-Hermès Trophy. After being named on the US Equestrian Short List for the 2024 Paris Olympics, Katie’s focus has shifted to the preparation for those games and shares with us a behind the scenes look at how to make it to the top of the sport. Listen in!

Check Out: @katie_dinan |


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