Visconte Simon Cocozza has a background in both dressage and jumping and is the author of his book, Core Conditioning for Horses. From his stable in Normandy, France, Simon became the first non-French national to earn the Brevet Professionnel and become a Trainer and Examiner for the La Fédération Française d’Equitation (FFE) and now coaches bio-mechanically sound training techniques internationally. Listen in!
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Trafalgar Square is a small, privately owned company located on a farm in Central Vermont. Trafalgar Square publishes books by the best riders, trainers, grooms, and vets in the horse world. Some of their professionals include: Isabell Werth, Charlotte Dujardin, Buck Brannaman, Anne Kursinski, and many more. Visit the online store to discover over 400 print and ebooks, audio books, DVDs, and streaming videos published for the good of the horse.
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