Aletia Reilingh is a top level dressage rider and world class farrier who teaches under the FormaHoof Academy educating horse owners and equine professionals the importance of hoof care. Aletia first became a farrier in Canada and later received a certification from Germany with many years of experience through attending University, Farrier School, and being a working student. Listen in and learn about how to become an official horseshoer as well as how to help horses with laminitis and other such hoof issues.
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FormaHoof is the fastest and most effective way to solve a wide range of hoof pathologies including Laminitis, White Line Disease, hoof cracks, High Low Syndrome, and foal limb deformities. FormaHoof can improve your horse’s longterm soundness and instantly reduce hoof pain without the use of drugs. Trusted by equine farriers, vets, and equine practitioners, FormaHoof is a proven and reusable solution for fast and measurable results for the hoof. For best results the unique patented liquid fit molding process creates a noninvasive, three dimensional supportive overlay directly on the horse’s hoof for instant support. To learn more about FormaHoof you can also listen to episode 124 with Rob Stevenson or visit their website!
I really enjoyed listening to Aletia Reilingh’s podcast. I found it very interesting how she grew and developed her knowledge as a blacksmith and training in horsemanship. Her knowledge with Forma Hoof is welcoming news for horses that are lame. It proves there is hope . I appreciate Aletia’ s enthusiasm for the horse industry in Canada and in Europe. I wish her well and lots of success in her xaring equine endeavors . Well done., Aletia
Mary Antolak